Title vi plan
Title VI Plan Notifying the Public of Rights Under Title VI Warren County Transit Warren County Transit operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with Warren County Transit. For more information on Warren County Transit's civil rights program, and the procedures to file a complaint, contact 706-465-3539, (TIY 706-465-3222); email wcsrcitizens@classicsouth .net; or visit our administrative office at 48 Warren Street, Warrenton, GA 30828. For more information, visit www.warrencountyga.org. If information is needed in another language, contact 706-465-3539. You may also file your complaint directly with the FTA at: Federal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor - TCR 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20590 Notificar a la ciudadania de sus derechos en virtud del Titulo VI Warren County Transito Warren County Transit opera sus programas y servicios, sin importar la raza, color, origen nacional y de conformidad con 10 dispuesto en el Titulo VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles.Cualquier persona que cree que ha sido agraviada por cualquier prcktica discriminatoria ilegal bajo el Titulo VI puede presentar una compatible con Warren County Transit. Para obtener mas informaci6n sobre Warren County Transit programa de derechos civiles, y los procedimientos para presentar una queja, comuniquese con 706465-3539,0 visite nuestra oficina administrativa 48 Warren Street, Warrenton, GA 30828. Para obtener mas informaci6n,visite www.warrencountvga.org. Si se necesita informaci6n en otro idioma, contacto 706 465-3539. Tambien puede presentar su queja directamente con el TLC en: Federal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights Atenci6n: Titulo VI, Coordinador del Programa edificio este, 511 planta - TCR 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE. Washington, DC 20590 4.0 Title VI Procedures and Compliance FTA Circular 4702.18, Chapter III, Paragraph 6: All recipients shall develop procedures for investigating and tracking Title VI complaints filed aginst them and make their procedures for filing a complaint available to member of the public. 4.1 Complaint Procedure Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against on the basis of race, color or national origin by Warren County Transit may file a Title VI complaint by completing and submitting the agency's Title VI Complaint Form (refer to Appendix E). Warren County Transit investigates complaints received no more than 180 days after the alleged incident. Warren County Transit will process complaints that are complete. Once the complaint is received, Warren County Transit will review it to determine if our office has jurisdiction. The complainant will receive an acknowledgement letter informing him/her whether the complaint will be investigated by our office. Warren County Transit has ninety (90) days to investigate the complaint. If more information is needed to resolve the case, Warren County Transit may contact the complainant. The complainant has ten (10) business days from the date of the letter to send requested information to the investigator assigned to the case. If the investigator is not contacted by the complainant or does not receive the additional information within ten (10) business days, Warren County Transit can administratively close the case. A case can also be administratively closed if the complainant no longer wishes to pursue their case. After the investigator reviews the complaint, she/he will issue one of two letters to the complainant: a closure letter or a letter of finding (LOF). A closure letter summarizes the allegations and states that there was not a Title VI violation and that the case will be closed. A LOF summarizes the allegations and the interviews regarding the alleged incident, and explains whether any disciplinary action, additional training of the staff member or other action will occur. If the complainant wishes to appeal the decision, she/he has seven (7) days to do so from the time he/she receives the closure letter or the LOF. The complaint procedure will be made available to the public on this Warren County Transit website (www.warrencountyga.org). 4.2 Complaint Form A copy of the complaint form in English and Spanish is provided in Appendix E and on this Warren County Transit website below. (www.warrencountyga.org) complaint form
Title VI Complaint Forms
Monday: Thomson, Georgia - Multiple Trips Tuesday: Augusta, Georgia - Morning Pickup Wednesday: Thomson, Georgia - Multiple Trips Thursday: Augusta, Georgia - Morning Pickup Friday: Thomson, Georgia - Multiple Trips |
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